well lets find out !!! virtual box is a tool easily installable in your operating systems . Basically it's a tool that helps you to use 2 OS (operating system) in a single environment without compromising the other. People who who have some knowledge about computers would usually know that you cannot install windows xp in your hard drive once you install windows 7 , But i say it's easily possible with virtual box. here today I'm gonna show you to install fedora 16 and backtrack .
step 1: Download virtual box . just Google it , you can download it for free from it's official site . there are various versions to select on .
step 2:install virtual box in your machine (during installation it might give some error just click continue anyway). Download the ISO of backtrack or fedora 16 , it is your wish which OS you prefer . both these OS are open source you will get them for free on their official website.
step 3: open virtual box and just follow the steps . click new ->next -> type the name of the OS if it's fedora it'll automatically select but if you are selecting backtrack , select UBUNTU or other click next -> select appropriate memory you can also change the memory later . click next -> select create new hard disk , click next . select virtual disk image click next . ->dynamically allocated click next -> select the size of your virtual disk (hard disk space in your virtual OS). click next -> create
step 4: now right click on the file and click on settings , browse to this location then storage-> empty and click on the CD like icon available , select choose a virtual disk and browse to your ISO file . if there is no error then a orange line will appear . Click start now probably a new window should pop up . and begin your installation.
step 5: now wait for some time and it should boot up in the virtual window . If you want to setup it then you should go to system tools and click install on hard drive . select all the appropriate options and click next . there is a options called as WHAT TYPE OF INSTALLATION WOULD YOU LIKE . I personally would prefer use free space ,then wait for the OS to install .
step 6: then it would boot up automatically and will ask a few questions . that's it , your done . next time when you want to start that OS just click start and your OS will start .
step 6: then it would boot up automatically and will ask a few questions . that's it , your done . next time when you want to start that OS just click start and your OS will start .
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